
Agency used righteously allows light to dispel the darkness and enables us to live with joy and happiness. (Robert D. Hales, "To Act For Ourselves: The Gift and Blessing of Agency, Ensign April 2006)

A cunning part of [Satan’s] strategy is to dissociate anger from agency, making us believe that we are victims of an emotion that we cannot control.
(Lynn G. Robbins, "Agency and Anger," Ensign April 1998).

"If we fail, we, and we alone, are responsible for the failure, because God endows His servants, from the President of the Church down to the humblest member, with all the ability, all the knowledge, all the power that is necessary, faithfully, diligently, and properly to discharge every duty and every obligation that rests upon them, and we, and we alone, will have to answer if we fail in this regard." (Heber J. Grant - Teachings of the Presidents of the Church: Heber J Grant)

"Whether a man remains satisfied within what we designate the animal world, satisfied with what the animal world will give him, yielding without effort to the whim of his appetites and passions and slipping farther and farther into the realm of indulgence, or whether, through self-mastery, he rises toward intellectual, moral, and spiritual enjoyments depends upon the kind of choice he makes every day, nay, every hour of his life." (David O. McKay - Teachings of the Presidents of the Church)

"No power on earth, no power beneath the earth, will ever prevent you or me or any Latter-day Saint from being saved, except ourselves." (Heber J. Grant - Teachings of the Presidents of the Church: Heber J Grant)

"There is an unlimited supply of good music in the world. Thus our biggest challenge is to choose wisely what we listen to and what we watch." (M. Russell Ballard - Let Our Voices Be Heard)

"If pain and sorrow and total punishment immediately followed the doing of evil, no soul would repeat a misdeed. If joy and peace and rewards were instantaneously given the doer of good, there could be no evil all would do good and not because of the rightness of doing good. There would be no test of strength, no development of character, no growth of powers, no free agency… There would also be an absence of joy, success, resurrection, eternal life, and godhood." (Spencer W. Kimball - Oct. Gen. Conf 2004)

"How easy it would be for your leaders to lead you to destruction, unless you actually know the mind and will of the Spirit yourselves. That is your privilege. " (Brigham Young - quotes website)

"It is true that in this life we are only as free as our mortal circumstances allow. We may not be able to stay the course of war in distant lands or with our puny arm hold back the tempests that rage or run freely when our body is imprisoned by failing health. But it is verily true that such things do not ultimately control our personal world. We do!" (Keith B. McMullin - Gen. Conf. Oct. 2005)

"Choosing to do what the Lord has defined as right will, in the long run, always lead to the best outcomes." (Richard G. Scott - Ensign, Nov. 1998, 69)

"If you wish to go where God is, you must be like God or posses the principles that God possesses, for if we are not drawing towards God in principle, we are going from him and towards the devil." (Joseph Smith - Teachings of the prophet Joseph Smith)

“Agency—our power to choose—is fundamental to the gospel plan that brings us to earth. God does not intervene to forestall the consequences of some persons’ choices in order to protect the well-being of other persons—even when they kill, injure, or oppress one another—for this would destroy His plan for our eternal progress (compare Alma 42:8). He will bless us to endure the consequences of others’ choices, but He will not prevent those choices (compare Mosiah 24:14–15).” (Dallin H. Oaks, “Love and Law,” Ensign, Nov. 2009, 27–28)

"We tend to think of agency as a personal matter. If we ask someone to define 'moral agency,' the answer will probably be something like this: 'Moral agency means I am free to make choices for myself.' Often overlooked is the fact that choices have consequences; we forget also that agency offers the same privilege of choice to others. At times we will be affected adversely by the way other people choose to exercise their agency. Our Heavenly Father feels so strongly about protecting our agency that he allows his children to exercise it, either for good or for evil."M. (Russell Ballard, "Answers to Life's Questions," Ensign, May 1995, 23)

"The way to exaltation is not a freeway featuring unlimited vision, unrestricted speeds, and untested skills. Rather, it is known by many forks and turnings, sharp curves, and controlled speeds. Our driving ability is being put to the test. Are we ready? We’re driving. We haven’t passed this way before. Fortunately, the Master Highway Builder, even our Heavenly Father, has provided a road map showing the route to follow. He has placed markers along the way to guide us to our destination." (Thomas S. Monson, "Crisis at the Crossroads," New Era, Nov. 2002, 5)

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