
"Both President Brigham Young (JD 6:275; 15:136-139) and Elder Erastus Snow (JD 25:34) taught that the resurrection will be conducted much as other things are done in the kingdom, by those in authority, and by delegation. The procedure is that as one cannot baptize himself, nor can he baptize others until he himself is baptized and ordained, so one cannot resurrect himself, but will be called forth by someone in authority. Men will be given the keys of this ordinance after they are resurrected, and then they can resurrect others. Although these brethren do not say it, I expect that a man with the keys will resurrect his family-- it is a patriarchal thing. President Young also indicates that Joseph Smith will be the first person resurrected in this dispensation, and this will extend back all the way to the meridian of time. Joseph Smith will receive the keys and give them to others."
(Robert J. Matthews, BYU, Feb. 1990)

"President Spencer W. Kimball quoted President Brigham Young saying, 'We are in possession of all the ordinances that can be administered in the flesh; but there are other ordinances and administrations that must be administered beyond this world. I know you would like to ask what they are. I will mention one. We have not, neither can we receive here, the ordinance of the keys of resurrection' (JD 15:137). Do we have the keys of resurrection? . . . We do not know of anyone who can resurrect the dead as did Jesus the Christ when he came back." (President Kimball, CR, April 1977, p. 69)

"There is no fundamental principle belonging to a human system that ever goes into another in this world or in the world to come; I care not what the theories of men are. We have the testimony that God will raise us up, and he has the power to do it. If any one supposes that any part of our bodies, that is, the fundamental parts thereof, ever goes into another body, he is mistaken."
(Joseph Smith, History of the Church, 5:339)

"President Brigham Young spoke of the resurrection in complete agreement with the Prophet Joseph: 'The question may be asked, do not the particles that compose man's body, when returned to mother earth, go to make or compose other bodies? No, they do not. . . . Neither can the particles which have comprised the body of man become parts of the bodies of other men, or of beasts, fowls, fish, insect, or vegetables. They are governed by divine law and though they may pass from the knowledge of the scientific world, that divine law still holds, governs and controls them. Man's body may be buried in the ocean, it may be eaten by wild beasts, or it may be burned to ashes, they may be scattered to the four winds, yet the particles of which it is composed will not be incorporated into any form of vegetable or animal life, to become a component part of their structure . . . at the sound of the trumpet of God every particle of our physical structures necessary to make our tabernacles perfect will be assembled, to be rejoined with the spirit, every man in his order. Not one particle will be lost."' (Brigham Young, in Elders' Journal, 1 (1875) p. 153 in Robert J. Matthews, Selected Writings of Robert J. Matthews: Gospel Scholars Series, 518 – 519.) "While in conversation at Judge Adams' during the evening, I said, Christ and the resurrected Saints will reign over the earth during the thousand years. They will not probably dwell upon the earth, but will visit it when they please, or when it is necessary to govern it. There will be wicked men on the earth during the thousand years. The heathen nations who will not come up to worship will be visited with the judgments of God, and must eventually be destroyed from the earth." T. 268-269

“The clarion call of Christendom,” President Thomas S. Monson has declared, is that Jesus of Nazareth rose from the dead. “The reality of the Resurrection provides to one and all the peace that surpasses understanding” (see Philippians 4:7). (“He Is Risen,” Liahona and Ensign, Apr. 2003, 7.)

“With all my heart and the fervency of my soul, I lift up my voice in testimony as a special witness and declare that God does live. Jesus is His Son, the Only Begotten of the Father in the flesh. He is our Redeemer; He is our Mediator with the Father. He it was who died on the cross to atone for our sins. He became the firstfruits of the Resurrection. Because He died, all shall live again.” (“I Know That My Redeemer Lives!” Liahona and Ensign, May 2007, 24, 25.)

“I declare my personal witness that death has been conquered, victory over the tomb has been won. May the words made sacred by Him who fulfilled them become actual knowledge to all. Remember them. Cherish them. Honor them. He is risen.” (Liahona and Ensign, Apr. 2003, 7.)

"How fitting to commemorate the organization of the Church and the resurrection at the same season! The resurrection makes it possible for us to come forth from the grave, and the Church with its saving ordinances enables us, according to our faith and faithfulness, to enjoy exaltation and eternal life." (N. Eldon Tanner, Resurrection and Restoration, Ensign, April 1971)

"No words in Christendom mean more to me than those spoken by the angel to the weeping Mary Magdalene and the other Mary as they approached the tomb to care for the body of their Lord: 'Why seek ye the living among the dead? He is not here, but is risen' (Luke 24:5–6).
With this pronouncement, those who have lived and died, those who now live and one day will die, and those yet to be born and yet to die had just been rescued." (Thomas S. Monson, He Is Not Here but Is Risen, Ensign, April 2011)

"...The reality of the Resurrection provides to one and all the peace that surpasses understanding...It is a universal truth." (Thomas S. Monson, He Is Risen, Ensign, April 2010)

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